Rita Gonzalez Hesaynes is a poet and performer from Azul, Argentina. Having left their International Relations studies unfinished, they went on to obtain a Licentiate degree in Literature (Universidad de Buenos Aires) while doing teaching, writing, translation work and a wide variety of odd jobs. Since 2019 they’re living in Berlin, Germany, where they're professionally engaged in software development.
Rita's work frequently explores philosophical and existential issues emphasizing the common aspects of human experience despite epochal, geographical and cultural differences. Concepts from science, myth and history intertwine in pieces that stray from the merely anecdotal and lean towards the dramatic monologue and social satire.
As a writer, they have published the following poetry books
¡Oh mitocondria! (2015, añosluz editora)
En la gran existencia (2017, añosluz editora)
neuro:mantra (2018, ediciones Abend)
Elfo corporativo (2021, Promesa Editorial)
as well as the plaquettes
La Belle Époque (2017, Difusión A/terna)
Una intensa hierba (in "La caja negra", 2017, No es como una rubia en el avión)
Their works have featured in several anthologies and school textbooks, and have been translated into Portuguese, English and German. Some of their articles have been published in online and print magazines.
As a performer, Rita regularly does performative reading in poetry and spoken work events, mainly in Spanish, but also in English. They've been known to attend performance competitions, such as Mundial de Poesía, of which they were the sole three-time champion.
They starred in the theatre play “Una habitación así” (2017) and participated in several music videos, as well as in the El Encuentro interdisciplinary performance of poetry and chamber music.
As a reader, they post video reviews of their readings on their Instagram account @ficcionnuclear.